Lord, behold our family here assembled.
We thank you for this place in which we dwell,
For the love that unites us,
For the peace accorded to us this day,
For the hope with which we expect the morrow;
For the health, the work, the food and the bright skies
That make our lives delightful;
For our friends in all parts of the earth.

-- Robert Louis Stevenson

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


By Aunt Marvelene
Hello Everyone,
Hope all is well and that your ready for our
Great Reunion we have each year.It's still at
Truman,Akansas.Still the first weekend in
August,saturday and sunday,the 6th and 7th.
We had a GREAT time last year.On saturday
we had 51 and sunday 40.It was so good to
see everyone.
It was so good to see Glen & Brenda.It had
been 12 long years.Hope you come back this
Boy!Did Amanda make a Great Auctioneer
or what!We're so grateful for her.We thank
her so much...Also a thank you to Margie
for assisting!Step aside Denise...you now have

Our Auction was a Huge Success and including
the Grab Bags we made $809.16.WOW!!!
We spent $112.02 on the Chicken for lunch.
We sent Estelle $30.00 for flowers for Mom
and Dad's graves.A big thanks to Gary,Janie,
Helen,and Estelle who cleans them up each year.
Thank you again,Mom and Dad would be so
Gary,please make it 2 days this year.We sure
did miss your smiling face.

The invocation was given by Bob Greaves from
Texas and Gary Wayne England from Arkansas.

This past year we had two to RETIRE---Grady
Paul done"He Got Old"and Danny Robert"He
done got OLD"and I said "Retired"
Hey good for them!!
We will have Chicken again on sunday!K.F.C.
here we come!(sorry Grady Paul).
We had 30 Families represented from Ark.,
Mo.,Mich.,Ind.,Tenn.,Texas and Bagdad,Iraq.
Grady & Marylou's daughter,Paula,and Glenda
Gail's daughter,Tiffany,and one of Bill &
Nayrene's grand kids all got married this past year.
Lets just say May God Bless your Marriage!!!

My grandaughter Jessica and two of Bill &
Nayrene's grandchildren all graduated this past year.
Congratulations to you all.

My grandson J.K. is back from Iraq and is now
stationed in Ft. Bliss,Texas.
I love it when you all just jump right in and help me.
It makes my job worthwhile and somewhat easier!
Thank You and I will be asking for HELP this year
so just be ready!Get Ready!!Get Ready!!
Get Ready!!
I'm thinking that Grady Paul gave the
"Over The Hill Cup" to Cathy Whitney.
How about that!
I want to thank Estelle for my hat and salt and
pepper shakers.And my nephews for the lovely
"My Aunt Plaque" and the picture of my brother
and his wife.Thank you so very very much!!
Hey,Gary Wayne...What was it you don't have?
We never found it!!
Did you see that Grady Paul lost all his hair??
Tony Dirk found it!!Kenny are you still wearing
the bird feeder for your hat?You Clown!!
Guess what...This year all you Men,Women,Boys,
and Girls.We are wearing neck ties!!So pretty or
ugly you make the choice..OK!!Bring 'em with you!
Denise is still in Iraq.She should be home sometime
in July.
That's all folks...See you in August...!Drive Safely..
Love you All,


I forgot to say that all the letters are numbered so
don't forget yours.Some I don't have an address,
so please remind them.Thank You...


A few winners of 2004
Estelle-89 years young
Youngest: We had two-Michael and Jade
Youngest mother:
Jessica Smith
Traveled the Farthest:
J.K. (all the way from Iraq)
Bobby Lee Smith and Grady Paul Smith
Married the longest:
Bill & Nayrene for a long,
long time 43 years
Married the shortest: Ryan & Amanda just 1 year
Largest Family: Jim Smith with 15 (Wow)
Early Bird: Jim & Dianne Smith
Money Jar: Won by Brianna(Ryan's little girl)$9.94
Macaroni Jar:
Kenny Smith 680
There were 10 door prizes and they was all won!!
This year we will play games...If time permits

Aunt Estelle is going to to be 90 years young in
July.Make it a surprise.Do something special for
her.She is special to us all.Please don't tell her...
Some stuff she might enjoy,cards with good and
bad memories,candles,magnets,jelly,stamps,
picture frames,candy,peanuts,cookies,or
whatever..Nothing big,maybe just a hug...

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